Davis: He is doing really well, getting bigger. Of course he is doing all the normal newborn things....eating, sleeping, pooping, crying, etc. I must change his diaper 10 times a day and he is only awake for a total of 4 hours out of 24. That's a lot of diaper changes in a short amount of time. We have his one month appointment tomorrow at a new pediatrician that we are going to try. I have not had any real trouble with the current pediatrician we go to but I wanted to find something a little more personal. I will let you know how it goes after tomorrow's appointment.
Lily is doing great. She is adjusting as well as I would expect a 20 month old to adjust with a new baby brother in the house. She is the perfect "little mommy." It is incredible to me all the little things she picks up on me doing when taking care of Davis. She likes to take care of her dolls the way that I take care of Davis, down to applying the diaper cream and vaseline. It is funny to watch her being a mommy to all her dolls. She is very good with Davis. She loves to give him kisses, she begs to hold him all the time and she is a great assistant when it comes to diaper changes. She helps me get all the necessary items. Although she seems to be doing great with Davis I feel like there is much to be accomplished in the realm of discipline and attitude. Lily has been in an interesting spell recently. She has been having some pretty impressive meltdowns with seemingly no real cause. She is certainly testing all the boundaries and testing Josh and I's consistency. I certainly think that a lot of her frustration can be contributed to the language barrier. She wants to communicate badly but does not have language for it yet. She is doing much better with her words but she is definitely not ahead in this department. Josh and I are waiting for a breakthrough in her verbal skills.
That's a little update with how things are going around here. I only have a few more days of taking care of both of them by myself before Josh is home for the summer. We are looking forward to doing some fun things together as a family while Josh is home. We are in the midst of planning a beach trip with some friends. Here are a few recent pictures of Lily and Davis that you might enjoy:
i love the pumping picture...priceless!
wow~ i think he looks like lily!
and halarious lily tried to pump!:)
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