Just a couple weeks after our snowy experience the weather got nice a warm (for one day). I think everyone in Georgia was clamoring for just a glimpse of the warmth to come in spring. After church and naps we decided to head up to a park a few miles away. Let me just tell you, I have been to this particular park dozens of times and never have I seen it as busy as it was this day. It was CRAZY how many people were there. Like I said, I think everyone is GA was dying for a day with sun and warmth. We had a good time despite the number of people. I much prefer when the playground is almost empty, Josh on the other hand loves it when the place is a mad house. His preference is "the more people, the better." Of course he hasn't really ever tried to go to the playground with both Lily and Davis by himself on days when the place is crazy. And when Davis starts running around, keeping up with both of them when it is crowded is near impossible.
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